*) See annotation below
Tone: 140.64 Hz = C#
a1 = 446.5 Hz / 440 Hz + 25.4 cent)
Tempo: 65.9 bpm
Color: blue-green
Effect: support the magic group dynamic principleand is said to be responsible for integration into certain structures of society

Pluto is known as the farthest planet **) and was discovered in 1930. The time of rotation lasts about 250 years. In the 40th octave it oscillates with 140.25 Hz and the tone is a C#. The corresponding colour is blue with a wavelength of about 485 Nanometers.
In general Pluto is associated with Scorpio. Pluto is very harmonically tuned to the (earth) moon and Neptune. to both of them it has an exat quint-quant relation. Pluto is about 40 times farther away from the eart as the sun and a little smaller than the (earth) moon. Nevertheless it is attached to great importance in astrology.
*) Annotation:
Since its discovery on February 18, 1930 until 2018, Pluto has only completed about a third of a sun orbit. Furthermore, because the Pluto orbit is much more inclined than the orbits of the other planets compared to the ecliptic at 17 degrees, there is also a higher uncertainty factor for the orbits of Pluto. This are probably the main reasons why the solar orbit of Pluto is given differently in different astronomical data sources.
In the book "The Cosmic Octave" published in 1984, Hans Cousto assumed an orbital period of 90737.2 days for Pluto, of which he calculated the 40th Okatve at 140.25 Hz.
In NASA's JPL Small-Body Database Browser today the period is listed with 90487.277 days. The corresponding octave tone is 140.64 Hz.
**) In terms to new definitions of the IAU (International Astronomical Union) from 2006 Pluto is declared as dwarf-planet, so the farthest planet is Neptune (Remark by Planetware)
The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks
by Hans Cousto is licensed unter
tuned to the frequency of Pluto:
Tuning Fork S
Tuning Fork Splus
Tuning Fork L
Tuning Fork Lplus
Energy Chimes