Tone: 221.23 Hz = A
a1 = 442.5 Hz / 440 Hz + 9.6 cent)
Tempo: 103.7 bpm
Color: yellow-orange Yellow-orange
Chakra: Ajna - brow chakra, third eye
Effect: supports higher love energy and aspiration for harmony

Venus is the second inner planet of our solar system and its rotation around the sun lasts about 225 days. In the 32nd octave the venus tone oscillates with 221.23 Hz, that is an A. The corresponding colour with a wavelength of about 615 Nanometers is a bright yellow-orange. According to tradition, Venus is associated as morning star of Taurus and evening star of Libra.
Holding a tuning fork with the tone of the Venus on the third Eye lets in a great flow of love energy and promotes inner harmony.
The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks
by Hans Cousto is licensed unter
tuned to the frequency of Venus:
Tuning Fork S
Tuning Fork Splus
Tuning Fork L
Tuning Fork Lplus
Singing Bowl
Wind Chimes
Door Chimes
Energy Chimes