Other cycles of Earth, Moon and some minor objects
Sideric day
Moon culmination
Sideric moon
Metonic Cycle
Saros period
Moon knot
Apsidis rotation
Other tones
Geomagnetic Field
Master Fork
Dwarf planets
Solar System Galaxy Orbit
Trappist-1 (Exo Planets)
The Sideric Day of the Earth

Duration of the true revolution of earth around its axis (related to fixed stars).
The sideric day is about 4 minutes shorter than the average calender day.
Tone: 194.71 Hz = G
a1 = 437.1 Hz / 440 Hz - 11.4 cent
Tempo: 91.3 bpm
Color: red-orange

The time span for one passage of the moon from one south to the next one. Every day, the moon rises about 50 minutes later than the preceding day. The delay adds up to one day during a (tropical) month.
Tone: 187.61 Hz = F#
a1 = 446.2 Hz / 440 Hz + 24.2 cent
Tempo: 91.3 bpm
Color: red
The Sideric Moon

The time span for one revolution of the moon around the earth, as measured against the celestial sphere. The sideric month is about two and a quarter days shorter than a synodic month.This is caused by the apparent course of the sun along the ecliptic. As the sun passes approximately one sign per month, the moon has to pass through 13 signs to "keep up with it".
Tone: 227.43 Hz = A#
a1 = 429.3 Hz / 440 Hz - 42.5 cent
Tempo: 106.6 bpm
Color: yellow (yellow)
Moon: Metonic cycle

The time span of about 19 year, after which the sun and the moon have the same aspects on the same day. The metonic cycle is the basis of combined soli-lunar calendars.
Tone: 229.22 Hz = A#
a1 = 432.7 Hz / 440 Hz - 28.9 cent
Tempo: 107.45 bpm
Color: yellow (yellow)
Moon: Saros Period
The time span of approximately 18 years and 10 days, after which eclipses of the same type repeat themselves.
Tone: 241.56 Hz = B
a1 = 430.4 Hz / 440 Hz - 38.2 cent
Tempo: 113.2 bpm
Color: yellow-green (yellow-green)
Moon: Apsidis rotation

The duration of the movement of one axis of the elliptical orbit of the moon around the ecliptic. The two extreme points of the bigger axis are called perigee (the point where the moon is closest to the earth) and apogee (the point where the moon is most distant from the earth). One such revolution takes about 8.85 years.
Tone: 246.04 Hz = B
a1 = 438.4 Hz / 440 Hz - 6.3 cent
Tempo: 115.3 bpm
Color: yellow-green (yellow-green)
Moon knot

The duration of the path of the nodes along the ecliptic, about 18,6 years. The nodes are the intersection of the orbit of the moon with the ecliptic. If the moon moves along the ecliptic from South to North, it crosses the North node, which is also called the "head of the dragon". If it moves from North to South, it crosses the South node, which is also called the "tail of the dragon".
Tone: 234.16 Hz = A#
a1 = 442 Hz / 440 Hz + 8 cent
Tempo: 109.8 bpm
Color: yellow (yellow)
Other tones
Schumann Resonance
The deepest Schuhmann Resonance is 7.83 Hz
Tone: 250.56 Hz = B
a1 = 446.5 Hz / 440 Hz + 25,3 cent
Tempo: 117.5 bpm
Color: yellow-green
Schumann resonance frequencies are electromagnetic waves excited by lightning along the circumference of the earth. The poorly conductive earth surface (mostly salt water) and the highly conductive ionosphere above limit a cavity resonator from whose dimensions possible resonance frequencies can be calculated. Waves that are in the same phase again after an earth orbit (or the circumference of the earth is an integer multiple of the wavelength) are amplified, others extinguish themselves. This results in a lowest resonant frequency of 7.83 Hz on average; see Wikipedia
7.83 Hz, five octaves higher, gives a tone of 250.56 Hz. The octave correspondence of this frequency in the light spectrum can be seen as yellow-green.
Geomagnetic Field, maximum
The law of the Cosmic Octave allows a reasonable combination of tone and color therapy. The familiar octave-tones of the earth, moon and planets have no correlation to the note D#. Because the corresponding color blue-violet is used in certain color therapies we was searching for a corresponding natural frequency.
Beside the North-South Pole the Earth's magnetic field shows also a spectrum of micro pulsation with a maximum of about 9 to 10 Hertz. We have choosen 9.36 Hz because the 4th octave 149.74 Hz is the minor third of the Schumann Resonance and the octave-analogue color of 149.74 Hz is blue-violet
Tone: 149.74 Hz = D
a1 = 448.71 Hz /440 Hz + 34 cent
Tempo: 70.2 / 140.4 bpm
Farbe: blue-violet
Master Fork 128 Hz + 256 Hz
1 Hertz = 1 oscillation per second. Seven octaves higher is C with 128 Hz which was recommended by Rudolf Steiner as the concert pitch. Rudolf Steiner, the father of anthroposophy, in his quest to create music in harmony with Nature, borrowed from Paul Hindemith who suggested in his "Unterweisung im Tonsatz" (Schott Verlag, Mainz 1939) the possibility of harmonising fundamental C with our calendar. The author Maria Renold in her book "Intervals, Scales, Tones and the Concert Pitch C" (Temple Lodge Press) describes in detail the different effects between chromatic music, tuned to 440 Hz, and diatomic music based on a C with 128 Hz, a power of two of the basic unit "Hertz" (1 Hertz = 1 oscillation per second). Initially this appears to be a reasonable solution; however, it too is based on a manmade unit only indirectly derived from Nature. According to the antique theory of harmony, the choice of a second as the basic unit for a tuning system is not so random in as far as it can be related to the oscillation of Earth's rotation through octaves, fifths and major sevenths (1/60 of 1/60 of 1/24).
Tone: 128 Hz / 256 Hz = C
a1 = 430.54 Hz / 440 Hz -38 cent)
Tempo: 120 bpm
Color: green
Solar System - Orbit arount the center of galaxy
The Sun and its planets encircles the center of our galaxy — the Milky Way — in about 237 million years.
60 octaves higher the tone is 154.15 Hz
Tone: 154.15 Hz = D#
Tempo: 144 bpm
Color: blue-violet
Sirus - Double Star Period
Sirius is a double star at the constellation of Canis Major (Great Dog) and about 8.6 lightyears far from our solor system. The distance of Sirius A to B is about 20 AU (Astronomical Unit; therefore 20 time the distance of Sun and Earth). Both stars rotates around its gravity center in a period of 50.052 years (± 0.055 yr; Wikipedia) which is 38 octaves higher F 174 Hz.
Tone: ca. 174 Hz = F
Tempo: 81.6 bpm
Farbe: rotviolett